link parties

Friday, July 22, 2016


Not my favorite vegetable. It must be the texture.

While sitting around the campfire at our annual camping trip, the subject of zucchini came up, because everyone's gardens are over flowing with them. Everyone was talking about their favorite zucchini recipe and I can't wait to try out a couple of them. My cousin was talking about zucchini crusted chicken, now I love breaded chicken so this really sounded interesting to me. It's a healthier version of breaded chicken. She sent me the recipe from hellofresh, a Jamie Oliver company that sends fresh meals in a box to your house. In recipe, step 3, where you toss parmesan with the zucchini, I plan to add some bread crumbs to the recipe. What a great way to get this veggie into your diet.

My cousin had another idea for zucchini that interested me. . . zucchini chips. I guess I could make those while making my kale and sweet potato chips. A burger with veggie chips on the side and homemade pickles . . . yuuum.

My Aunt Diane makes stuffed zuchini . . . that sounds  fun. You hollow out the zucchini and stuff it with ground turkey, cheeses and bread crumbs then wrap in foil and bake. She says it looks beautiful when you slice it.

My Aunt Pam makes zucchini coconut jasmine rice every year on lamb night. She says it's a lot of work and tries to get out of making it every year but my mom tells her that Kerry really looks forward to it. I catch a lot of heck for it, but it stands up to my uncle's famous lamb, and in my opinion, this side dish is as much of a star, as the lamb is. That said, if I want zucchini coconut jasmine rice next year, I will most likely be making it. So this recipe to come soon.

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